Health Policy
       For the safety and well being of your child as well as our  other enrolled children, the Friendly Garden Daycare asks that you do not bring your child to daycare if he or she exhibits any or all of the following symptoms:

Diarrhea that shows no sign of bettering or lessening
Temperature above 101 Degrees
Dry or Productive Cough
Red, Itchy, watery Eyes 
Open Sores 
Severe Rash
Contagious Illness or Skin Condition

        If your child begins to exhibit any of the above symptoms during daycare, we will contact and request that you to pick them up and take them home promptly, so that the illness or condition can be treated by a doctor and your child can get better and feel more comfortable as soon as possible. Because your child’s comfort and wellbeing are our top priority, we ask that your child remain at home until they have been symptom free for at least 24 hours.

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Civil Rights Compliance 
       In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from disciminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disibility. Persons with disabilities who require alternate means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202)720-2600 (voice and TDD).
This institution is an equal opportunity provider